
We are the first certified Ocean Friendly restaurant in Maine!

For us, doing more for the planet, was non-negotiable since day 1

Plastic pollution is suffocating our ocean and the many animals that call it home. Researchers estimate there are now over 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean with 8.75 million metric tons being added every year. This pollution is impacting our marine ecosystems and wildlife including seabirds, dolphins, fish, turtles, and whales. Plastic fragments are even displacing plankton as the base of the food chain. So what’s the best way to combat this global epidemic facing our ocean? It’s simple: we need to stop the problem at the source! The Surfrider Foundation’s Ocean Friendly Restaurants program does just that. One restaurant, one customer at a time, it increases awareness, drives behavior change, and ultimately creates scalable impact to reduce our plastic footprint. -Via Surfrider.org

We are excited to be the first restaurant to be ocean friendly in Maine! We will continue to do our part to keep our oceans safe and clean.


Some of our practices to maintain this certification:

  1. No expanded polystyrene use (aka Styrofoam).

  2. Proper recycling and composting practices are followed.

  3. Only reusable food ware is used for onsite dining

  4. No plastic bags offered with take out or to-go orders and utensils are provided only upon request.

  5. Hay straws are provided only upon request

    Additional Ocean Friendly Practices:

    • Vegetarian/vegan food options are always offered

    • No beverages are sold in plastic bottles.

    • We source our seafood from sustainable sources

    • We will only serve local and sustainable seafood

Learn more about this topic at www.surfrider.org